Reading Circle Pages

Friday, October 31, 2008

Blair Underwood on "The View"

Blair made a terrific appearance on "The View" Wednesday, and I've posted it in case you missed it. Everyone in the audience got a copy of our new mystery novel, In the Night of the Heat!

Quick trivia on In the Night of the Heat, which is about an actor and former gigolo hired to solve the murder of a football star accused of killing his wife: The entire novel takes place the week before Tuesday's election! My husband, Steven Barnes, and I wrote the novel---but Blair, as he explains, helped bring the book to life with the character of Tennyson Hardwick. It's the follow-up to Casanegra, and many readers say it's better than the first...and they loved Casanegra, too. (No, you don't have to read Casanegra first.)

Hope you enjoy the clip!

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